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Dry Room (2018)

A dance film about isolation, self-estrangement, and social meaninglessness.

Exhibition Dates:

24 Jan - 24 Feb 2023, CutLog/SSA online exhibition

17 Dec 2022 – 10 Jan 2023, Re-imagining Wonderland, Society of Scottish Artists & CutLog, Royal Scottish Academy

6-8 April 2018, Inside Job, Tate Modern

Dry Room (2018) is an associated film to an installation performance under the same name, which explores the impact of childhood trauma on adulthood, and the possibility of Salvation through faith, love and friendship.  

It is filmed against London's winter urbanscape. 

Concept: Eldarin Yeong

Choreography: Zi Ling, Eldarin Yeong, and the Company

Videography: Jevan Chowdhury

Music: Carolina Bartumeu

Cast: Jemma Gould, Joe Garbett, James Kay and Anastasia Kostner

Costume: Hexagon Collective, Eldarin Yeong

Genre: dance film, video art

Running time: under 5mins

To watch the film, please click here

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